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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:01 Wed 06th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
Wednesday. It's mild outside, I went for a short stroll along the lane, no signs of life, they are all tucked up and being sensible.
I have no idea what will occur today. I'm sure something will! I might go round and see the girls and have a haircut.

Have a happy day everyone.


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morning Clover xx Ozland is being battered if not the heat, now pleased we do not live in a country of such extremes
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Morning jo xxx Yes, he's having a rough time right now.
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Wall to wall high cloud here now, but no wind.
Mia just come back in after a 10 minute foray....damp and chilly but nowhere near as cold.. she has gone back to bed !!
family spam !
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Got it! :o}
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Going to make a move now. Have happy day everyone. xxxx
carer here, better be off so have a good day, all
bye boaty xx bye DT xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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