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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:01 Mon 11th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
Monday. It's a lot calmer our there this morning. Not too cold, We've got to be in for some grief!

Nothing on the oracle for today, so maybe a trundle over to Wotton-under-Edge, I haven't been for a while.

Tiggy III still soundo. I hope he stays.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning woof. Likewise!
morning paddy and woofy
Breakfast, coffee and some daylight has done the trick! Lovely bright day out there now. I'll get going now, have a good Monday everyone.
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Have a happy day maydup xxx
Bye maydup xx tea time !
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I'm going to take advantage of the sunshine and get the running around done.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all. Weather yesterday was strange. Went to the pub for lunch and it was freezing and really windy. Walked home after lunch and it was quite mild.
bye boaty xx morning Ummmm xx
Morning Minty. The food at the pub was awful. It's the first time I've ever left a bad review.
I had a lovely time though. My mum was down from Norfolk so I don't get to see her much.
aww that's nice ummmm... where in Norfolk is she ?
Wells-Next-The-Sea. It's lovely there. Her brother is ill so she came to see him.
we used to go to Wells a lot... miss all the nice wee norfolk resorts
My sister has a caravan there. My mum doesn't drive and it takes 7 hours on the coach to get to Northampton! You could go abroad quicker!!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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