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Passport Renewal

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Maydup | 14:57 Sat 02nd Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Guess the date with me please.

I have only just realised that my passport has expired. If i send the renewal off on Monday, using the post office checking service, when do you think I'll have it back? I'm not using the online service as I cant be trusted with taking my own photo! so I've had that done manually this morning and am just completing the forms now.


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We did it a few months ago - it took 8 days. We didn't do the Post Office checking thing.
If you have a photo driving licence they can take the photo off that, allowing you to do it online - makes the process quicker. (You don't send your licence away, they have access to it).
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I felt sure they used my driving licence photo last time I did, or maybe its the other way round. But now they need either a digital photo taken by yourself on a pale background, or a booth one with an upload code or a paper one.

I've gone with paper, so when do we think it will be back by?
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8 days sounds promising! I might book the holiday yet!
Maydup, we used the old-fashioned paper photos, forms etc - and it was 8 days from sending the forms off to getting our new passports.
I have just renewed mine online - with a digital photo code I got from timpson’s (which also provides evidence that the photo was taken within the last month because the code can only be activated for a month). It took me about 5 minutes to complete the application. I sent my old passport to them as instructed the same day and had confirmation the following day that my old passport had been received and my application approved. From completing the application to receiving my new passport took 3 days.
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Thank you Toorak, more promising news. I will send mine by post on Monday, With luck and a fair wind I might have mine back sometime the following week.
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By way of update, the new passports arrived this morning, one week to the day - Monday 4th, that we sent them via the post office. Surprisingly good service.

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