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Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1366

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johnpiper | 17:00 Wed 13th Feb 2019 | Crosswords
1 Answers
\smart men dressed down -one found in bed (3,6)
think its Fly Orchid but dont know why

Dish when warm emits aromas at the outset (5)

Pay to have hotel for vacation in Irish town (7) Ashford?

A month from Quebec to the alaskan port (6) ?u???u
all help greatfully received


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15a Fly orchid - 'fly' (smart) + 'o(ther) r(anks)' (men) + 'chid' (dressed down; told off)
7d Ashet (dish) - 'as' (when) + 'he(a)t' (warm, emits [sends out] 'a[romas; outset]')
11d Athlone - 'h(ote)l' (for vacation; empty, in) 'atone' (pay)
21a Juneau - 'June' + 'au' (Fr. [Quebec] "to the")

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Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1366

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