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Apprehension Of The Transcendent

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Khandro | 09:57 Wed 13th Feb 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
37 Answers
It is essential in order to comprehend that which is transcendent - which encompasses the spiritual, the religious and aesthetic appreciation within human existence and experience - to put aside the process of empirical reality and purely intellectual reasoning. As discussed here, by Roger Scruton and Jordan Peterson;

Does this not challenge the materialism and 'rationality' of the atheist narrative?



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andy hughes; //I am sure Zacs could do that - or he could arrange the items in his fridge in alphabetical order, which would be about as exciting, but at least it would have a finite time-line and a visible result at the end of it.//

A small attraction I gain from listening to half-wits is that it makes me feel clever.
‘I am sure Zacs could do that - or he could arrange the items in his fridge in alphabetical order, which would be about as exciting’


Khantdo, I’m familiar with Platonism. How about answering the question?
Can we apprehend the transcendent?
Yes we can.
Provided we realise the futility of atheistic materialism.
A first step.
And no, Christians do not look down on those who do not share our views.
Maybe some from the established religions do, but not a bible believing Christian.
Many atheists put us to shame with their charity, love, and service to their fellow man.
That should be applauded.
God forgive those who chew the altar rails and denigrate others who do not share their unchristian attitudes.
Wasn't Scruton the pop-eyed headmaster in Adrian Mole's school?
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Zacsmaster; A typical evasive response from you. Unable to be dismissive about the source of MY op question - that is to say your usual, Breitbart, Morissey, etc. and having failed at challenging the wording or grammar, and being unable to answer, you try to obfuscate by asking ME a question, a tiresome ploy.

Your question being, "what's my take" on Plato's archetypes.
What is there to "take", I first read it 50 years ago - I understand it, don't you?
I suggest you either address MY question or leave off.
Khandro, would you please answer my question at 17:12 Wed.
Khandro, Platonism is pretty fundamental to the premise of your question. I was seeking your understanding of that, as I thought it would provide a stepping stone to understanding where the heck you’re coming from, as it seems your OP could be either a tautology or a contradiction. I wondered what side of the fence you were on.
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naomi; I answered your 17:12 Wed. question before you asked it, - at 16:56

Zacs; // there's no "tautology or a contradiction" in the OP, read it again.
Khandro, you didn't answer my question. I asked //why do you assume that my atheism renders me less capable of appreciating or experiencing the wonders of life than you? I presume that's what you're saying? //
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You presume wrongly, where did I say that? read 16:56 again
Khandro. From your OP:

//It is essential in order to comprehend that which is transcendent… …to put aside the process of empirical reality and purely intellectual reasoning.//
Khandro - // A small attraction I gain from listening to half-wits is that it makes me feel clever. //

That's the difference between us - I don't look down on people less intelligent than I am - which makes me more 'Christian' than you - something to consider.
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Khandro, I'd rather talk to you ... that's if you're not about to go all airy-fairy and mystical on me again. I never did set much store by Thomas Aquinas.... as you possibly recall.
The OP is either tautological or it’s contradictory. If your putting aside purely intellectual reasoning, I’d suggest it’s the latter.
Anyway. Why do you never hear a cat fart? Now there’s a proper question!

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Apprehension Of The Transcendent

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