I have a Phormium (New-Zealand flax) it is
planted in the ground and this year it flowered. This has never happened before and I've had the plant for 6yrs. Today I saw that in place of the flowers there are now these seed pods, does anyone know it it is possible to grow these plants from these seeds and if any one knows if the flax is ment to flower every year that would be great. THANKS.
Hi (again) Diane. Yes, you can grow phormium from seed. Sow now in trays of John Innes No.1 with extra grit added for drainage. Just cover the seeds, water and leave the tray on a windowsill, shaded from sunlight. They need 13-18?C to germinate and they'll emerge erratically. Phormiums are unlikely to flower every year in the UK - it all depends on our summers.