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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:34 Fri 01st Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
White Rabbits.
Friday. The 1st of May. Doesn't time fly. Well it did as few years ago when I threw the alarm clock out the window! :o}

Tiggy III was out and about yesterday, having a wander round his domain. I hope he will go back to bed before it gets too chilly.

A lot of running around this morning. To Quedgley the Thornbury. Some shoplifting thrown in somewhere too. Such fun I have!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Hmm, May I say you're Marching on a tad old mate?

Truth is, I'm hopeless with calendars, clocks, and everything that keeps me tied to a roster.
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G'day mate. I noticed it just as I hit Answer Now. A fraction too late.
How's things down there?
well, the carer has arrived, coffee on the go and I had better be off, shoplifting in Trurra beckoning.... have a good one, all.
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Have a good'un DT.
Trying and testing downunder, but hey, that's life.

Keeping well and happy yourself?

Morning Oz xx

Bye DT xx
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Still breathing and annoying the neighbours mate. :o}
You wont live it down today WBM, but you are in good company. Just opened an email advertising a race meeting thats on in May and it read.....

As a regular customer to Newmarket Racecourses, we would like to offer you the chance to receive the best price possible for this year's QIPCO Guineas Festival, 4th & 5th March.

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I think you're right maydup. I can wear it! :o}

I take it you don't do the geegees.
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It's time I made a move.

Have a happy day everyone. xxx
bye boaty xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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