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Hail !

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Canary42 | 18:52 Mon 04th Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Sigificant hailstorm currently passing over SE Hampshire coast.


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Crazy weather, we had snow yesterday, today was blowy and a short while ago we had a hail shower, not too bad though, now the sun is blazing in at me, heaven knows what will come in the next few hours
going which way?

(Any direction as long as it's not my garden, really.)
After a few nice days, it's turned showery and getting colder. SW.
Hope hail stones have cleared now Canary...
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///going which way? ///

Heading eastward.
Well, I'm in RoI and we had hail earlier jno, it must be heading east
Just rain here, but very cold and temperature supposed to be dropping again tonight. Still, it is only early March I suppose.
What a disappointment!

I saw a thread entitled 'Hail!' and thought "At last. People here are finally recognising how wonderful I am and shouting 'Hail, Buenchico!' "

Then I found out that the thread was actually only about something very unpleasant and extremely wet. (Oh, hang on though, perhaps it is about me after all then!)

hm, but do you think you're hard enough, Buenchico? We're not just talking mizzle here.
nothing so significant here, (leicestershire) but a bit breezy, nothing to compare with yesterday though.

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Hail !

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