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Rob North, In the UK international comparison lists are probably unpopular (they are almost never published in the UK), especially if they are not compiled in the UK. In the UK such lists, which generally see the UK rated as middling to mediocre, tend to be ignored or even dismissed out of hand as wrong or even anti-British - they appear to be buried, no doubt due to "innate honesty and probity". In the UK everything about the UK is frequently assumed by its people to be the world's best and is defined as such.
Outside the UK the reality/image appears quite different (except undoubtedly within the halls of the Civil Service where the comparisons are no doubt well known and unchallenged, or else they would be screaming over the defamation/lies). Lists produced by number crunching data supplied by or otherwise obtained from sources within the countries themselves by organisations such as the OECD, WHO, UN, EU, think tanks, etc., etc. are not easily dismissed as being untrustworthy - these are not mere opinion surveys/polls. Saying that the data produced by Britain is accurate/truthful while that gathered by/in other countries is barefaced lies simply does not wash.
Self-defining Britain/UK as superior does not make it so, the truth comes out in the statistics. Still, In the UK the UK will remain the world's best and nothing is likely ever to change that - that much the British will perhaps remain "quite strict". The rest of the world does not make that assumption and continues in spite of it, in several cases doing notably (not to say impressively) better than the UK. Those nations which tend to top the lists are the Nordic countries, Switzerland, Netherlands, Japan, and occasionally one or two others. Still above the UK but below the top tends to be a collection of other countries, some appearing more than once, others not. Clearly then all of these are habitually falsifying their achievements, liars one and all ?