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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:09 Tue 12th Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
Tuesday. The wind is making it's presence known I reckon it's in for the day. I'll only be out for about an hour this morning, then back and batten down the hatches. Plenty to do indoor, like sitting on the recliner to make sure it doesn't walk off :o}

Have a happy day everyone.



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You doa great job on spam, WBM. I'm tempted to stop reporting them though. Maybe if spam was allowed to fester for a while teh AB techies would do more to stop it- I've suggested before any links in titles should be stopped and words like KETO should be filtered out. And why not have some sort of extra step to stop bots setting up accounts
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Got it minty. thanks.
perhaps some members couldn't pass the BOT test ? ;0)
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I'm going to make a move before the rain I can see on the hilltop reaches here.

Have a happy day everyone. xxx
bye boaty xx
Morning all WBM just emailed you!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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