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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:05 Wed 13th Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
83 Answers
Woke up at midnight, couldn't to sleep again. Got up at 0230 and did a couple of odd jobs.
Sat with a cuppa now.


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Ignoring is a punishment and it's childish.

My temper lasts about 10 minutes and then we're back to normal (him and the kids)
it takes a lot for me to blow..but when I 10 mins later I have said my bit and certainly made my point !!
Same. I used to argue with my youngest almost daily, he's really frustrating, we'd argue, he'd go to his room and when he came down it's like nothing ever happened.

Rarely argue with the others. Actually I don't think I've ever had an argument with my older son.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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