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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:09 Thu 14th Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Thursday. After being awake and on the go for nineteen hours yesterday, I went to bed early, went out like a light and slept for ten hours! Feeling fine. Just as well as there is Lots of running around to do today.
Have a happy day everyone.


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Mia has gone back to bed... smart puss... must be bad oot there..
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Dry here at the moment, a breeze and wall to wall cloud.
Morning all, just a quick run to the whole for me then back to crafting. A patchwork bedspread for a friends birthday. He is in fire need of an upgrade if he wants to lure a nice lady into his life. So masculine earthy shares rather than bloody... Minions.
damp and windy here..must see the doc ;0)
morning Rowan xx
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Morning rowan xxx Well done you! :o}

yes minty...
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I'm going to make a move and see if I can beat the weather.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye boaty xx
Bit blowy isn't it? Still if I wait I won't bother.
sun peeping out now..
Hissing down here, oh well a quick dash to aldi rhen.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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