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The Power Of Propaganda.....

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10ClarionSt | 09:42 Sat 16th Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
...........on young minds was evident yesterday when school children around the world made their protest about climate change. If the government and the media say it often enough, then it must be true, right? But climate change is natural. All the initiatives so far have achieved nothing except put money into peoples' pockets.


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The irony is strong with this thread.
the force can have a powerful effect on the minds of the weak.
They aren't children, they are young adults.
The banning of CFCs successfully closed the hole in the ozone layer - we can make a difference but the usual complacent Ostriches will fight it tooth and nail.
Do ostriches HAVE teeth?
Indeed we can, Canary.......we need to lessen the impact we are having on climate change.....but that requires effort and thought..........good on the kids and young adults for doing what my generation failed to do....x
Isn’t it just Jim
People who are castigating kids for not understanding that the climate can always change should, perhaps, start by asking themselves a couple of questions: Who, exactly, do they think made the discovery that the Earth's Climate can naturally change over time? It should take not too long to figure out the answer to this: these people were Climate Scientists.

The second question they should ask is: which scientists are the ones warning us right now about the human impact on the current climate? The answer is the same as it was for the first question.

To listen to people when they say one thing, but ignore the other, more inconvenient, truth that the exact same people are telling you, and then to explain that people who listen to them and their research on both occasions are victims of propaganda, is the height of hypocrisy and tone-deafness.

Go and do some actual research into the causes of natural climate change, the scope of humanity's impact on the current world, and the means by which it is possible *without* reverting to Stone-Age life, by reading some actual sources, rather than pseudoscientific blogs, rather than lecture young people about how they're victims of propaganda.
Very well put, Jim...x
//People who are castigating kids //

I don't see anyone 'castigating kids'.
The rapid rise since the industrial revolution is hardly natural unless one includes human activity as natural. The level of greenhouse gasses is very unlikely to be due to natural phenomena and is in synch with humans releasing them. Ignoring the consequences is irresponsible. That there's money to be made as a result of trying to be responsible is an incentive for humans to do the right thing.
Doubtless recent human activity is having an effect but global warming is occurring naturally and isn’t new. It was acknowledged in the 1800s.
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Thank you for all your replies. I haven't read anything to make me change my mind.

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The Power Of Propaganda.....

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