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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:12 Thu 28th Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Thursday. A bit cooler this morning. It's overcast, so no stars out to play. Nothing on the calendar for today, so some more tidying up in the back garden methinks. I got a lot done yesterday.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Good morning everybody.
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Morning paddy.
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Clouding over now.
still the same here, a diffuse sunlight showing through but muted in comparison to yesterday.
morning Douglas xx Paddy xx
EEK DT !!! have you tried speaking to him ?
Good morning everyone. Its dull outside, but the birds are busy and the lawn is being nibbled by wild rabbits! Spring has definitely sprung now.
morning Maydup xx
dull, overcast and bit nippy here, but dry....for now
this was some years ago, minty, the wing commander exorcising the place where he had picked up the 'form'....
morning Douglas, Paddy.
morning maydup xx
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Morning maydup xxx

Overcast here now.
awww could have had some fun with that !
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I'm going to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye Boaty xx me too best get on..see you all later xx
Morning everyone. Blue sky, bright sunshine and, most unusual, no breeze. Washing out, birds fed, all showered and ready to go. Hope you are all looking forward to a good day.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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