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Different Hand.

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Caran | 23:59 Sun 31st Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Today I decided to try cleaning my teeth with my left hand.
What a performance! I was all over the place. Toothpaste everywhere.


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Me too smow! :o}
Lol Smow :-)
Life on the edge.
When I was about 16, I was peeling an apple and my mother asked Why are you using your left hand? (Yes, I know I was using a knife, the good old playground joke!). It was only then that we realised that I use different hands for different jobs, I'm not ambidextrous, but if I am using a knife to cut of slice I use my left hand. I can't write or play tennis etc with my left hand but oddly I can swap hands when I'm ironing which is useful.
I'm left-handed, but I use the Computer Mouse right-handed, and it feels like the most natural thing in the world. I couldn't throw anything right-handed, so I'd be no good at Sports.

Once, I got on the wrong side of my English Teacher in Secondary School, for atrocious handwriting, so he made me (In front of the whole Class) take a piece of Chalk in my right hand, and write my name on the board - it was so bad, you'd think I'd been trying to do it during an earthquake!

I think I'd rather type everything and print it, rather than try and learn to write with a pen in my right hand...
Try writing backwards with the wrong hand (ie, right to left); it comes out remarkably well.
Back in my army days, my left handed comrades were at a disadvantage. It transpired that most right handed people will sight through their right eye when firing a weapon and vice versa. The weapon of the day was the SLR (Self Loading Rifle) and the trouble was, the empty casings were ejected from the chamber to the shooter's right. So those lefties risked being smacked in the face with very hot cartridge case. The wise ones learned to sight with their right eye.
I was left handed like my mother. Strange that her generation of school teachers allowed her to write with her left hand.
My generation of teachers beat my knuckles everytime I picked up my pen in my left and I was forced to write right handed.
Our school,however,did have a unique style of writing and a copy book was issued to each pupil. How I hated the annual inter school handwriting competition. We used a issue scratchy old pen nib attached to a stick and awful smelly powdered ink mixed with water.
I hate teachers and my school days. :-)

They would of had problems with the previous bolt action SMELLY as well

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