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My Mother's Day Present(S)...

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pastafreak | 14:12 Mon 01st Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
16 Answers myself have just been delivered :))
My fridge died a death on Saturday night...and my washing machine needed a repair the cost of which was not worth it.
So the lads from AO just delivered nice shiney new ones. I'm a happy bunny.


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Nice one Pasta, all shiny and new.
Apparently that’s why brides wear white....because most domestic appliances are of that colour!

Alright, alright, getting my coat.....
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^^^ *groan*
I got nothing!! But my son bought my OH 12 beers!!
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Well, get one of them before they are all gone ummmm...

Naughty son.
I don't drink beer :-)

I think it was a gulit present. I always tell them not to get me anything but he said he'd post MIL's present to Ireland...and then didn't! And then didn't answer his phone!

12 beers though....he could have bought me a bottle of wine! I'm chucking him out... :-)

(I'm joking, he's lovely)
I got my lovely mother a mini indoor orchid in a lovely little pot. I also got her an outdoor eucalyptus plant. And a card.
my two lovely sons took me out for the day,we went to Edinburgh Portobello beach,i was last there 60 years ago on a school trip,it was lovely and sunny,but hadn't changed that much,afterwards we went for a lovely meal. I enjoyed it so much.
Got my Mum some laminate flooring for her studio, not very traditional but she's gonna be so happy when she sees it x
well.. you hope she is ;)
No she definitely is, she's been on about getting it re-floored since forever, nothing runs smoothly over it as it is and it causes all sorts of logistical issues, plus we got her the stuff she was looking at when my brother coaxed her into discussing it, and she won't see it til it's all laid later this week. :)
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Aside from the present to myself, my DD gave me a White Stuff voucher, and took me out for 2 meals.
Well done pasta!
3 out of 4 of my kids contacted me so can’t complain lol
well done.

My mater left maltesers around the house and not the edible type.....
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Oh dear, DT...that's not on!

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My Mother's Day Present(S)...

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