Maybe someone should ask the victims of rapists what they think? Yes, we do mostly get on with life and often lead good, productive, even very happy lives ... BUT, the memories NEVER go away, nor does the emotional and even the physical pain in some cases. Rape victims, especially if they are children, often feel they are to blame in some way, while not actually understanding in what way this might be. They can become afraid to defend themselves when bullied, as they don�t want to draw attention to themselves in any way. They don�t want people to know what has happened. This can be out of fear of being seen as dirty or bad, or because the rapist has threatened to harm them if anyone finds out about the rape. We grow into adults who never quite feel safe around men. We watch out for men who might harm us, our children, even more our grand children. At the same time we desperately try to be �normal�, to learn to feel safe around men, to lead lives like everyone else. Rape victims mostly never ever learn to trust again; they always have a warning bell ready to go off in their brain. This in itself might even be a good thing, as at least we are aware of the dangers. It can however also lead to a lifetime of being with abusive partners. Me, I am lucky� please read continuation�