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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:52 Wed 10th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Wednesday. It's nippy outside this morning. So no walkies. I don't think there is anything to do today, but I haven't looked at the calendar yet.
No occupants of Tiggy Towers yet. I hope a hedgehog does move in.
Have a happy day everyone.


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morning DT xx

going off now..get ready ..picking other neighbours up at 9am and heading to crematorium.... speak later..and...cherish the ones you love today...for tomorrow may never come...... xxx
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I'll be thinking of you minty xxxxx
Try and enjoy the day outside the funeral experience and remember you are giving your neighbour support and warmth just by being there, minty.....xx
Morning Birdies. Cloudless blue sky and a golden dawn up here. The frost is burning off quickly so it looks like another nice day even though a bit nippy in the breeze.
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Morning togo. Enjoy it while you may! :o}
Morning everyone, beautiful morning here. Better than yesterday when I got absolutely drenched after walking in pouring rain for over 2 hours. So sorry to hear about your neighbour Minty - that’s just dreadful, poor woman. Will be thinking of you xx
I’ve got scaffolders turning up in an hour or so to put scaffolding up both front and back of house so that should be fun - not!!

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According to Carol, it's going to be sunny shortly.
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Morning smow xxx Lovely to see you.
Why were you walking for two hours in the rain?
Good morning everybody.
the carer is here, the mater up, so better fly. Have a good day, all
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Have a good'un DT.

Morning paddy.
Delivering to customers WBM
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Of course. I should have thought of that smow!
Hi again folks. Sorry I missed replies earlier.

Just working today, and it's my late tonight. Stinkit is stopping at his nanny and granddad's house on Friday so OH and I are going out for a meal and a few drinks.

Less than 8 weeks to go now until our holiday in Crete. Can't wait !!
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Since it's gone quiet I'm going to shove off.
Have a happy day everyone.
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That looks well organised to me LCG.
Have a happy day. xxxx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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