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naomi24 | 16:30 Wed 10th Apr 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
196 Answers
NASA has just released images of a black hole located in a distant galaxy.

It measures 40 billion km across - three million times the size of the Earth - and has been described by scientists as "a monster". The black hole is 500 MILLION TRILLION km away.

Logically, do those enormous distances not encourage the creationist fraternity to wonder if they’re mistaken? Do they not ask why, from this whole unimaginably vast universe, a creator God would have selected this minute speck of dust located somewhere near the outer reaches of a fairly minor galaxy – just one of an estimated 2000 billion galaxies each containing billions of stars – as home to his beloved(?) creation – man?

Personally, I cannot believe we’re that special. What say you?


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Nothing bonkers about Chuck Missler. Listen to all of his lectures.
Also, I try to put something out there, the atheists do nothing except sit back, devoid of ideas, and throw darts. Well done!
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Theland, you haven’t put anything out there. You’ve given a biblical reference and told us to go and investigate it. We’ve investigated it in the past and dismissed it for the nonsense it is. Try again.
//Nothing bonkers about Chuck Missler//
Beg to differ.
Listen to all of his lectures.
Listened to loads of his stuff....hes bonkers.
I first came across Chuck Missler In prison of all places. He used to be a regular guest on the James Whale late night radio show back in the 90's. Used to spout off about UFO's etc. He came out with some stuff that used to make me think a bit and then the internet (along with my freedom) came along when I was able to cross-reference him. I found him out to be a fat odious money grabbing creep.
Well he's dead now.
Nailit you are very selective in your criticisms.
Are you telling us that Misslers science lectures are also wrong? How arrogant of you. What qualifies you to be so judgemental?

Try this part two at 49 minutes in.
The whole video is excellent, but this section proves something that demands a response.
here ya go Theland,
Debunking Misslers 'hidden messages in the Bible'...
And its from a Christian. Even other believers think hes nuts.
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Theland, your man says that original Greek texts have been used but there are no original texts - Greek, Hebrew, or otherwise. None exist.
-- answer removed --
No original texts? How ? Explain.
Would you consider that a man who has studied the bible for sixty years, would deliberately try to mislead?
I think not. I think you think not too.
Are you saying the " Sevens In The Bible," are not true?
Examine it and then comment!
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Theland, no original texts exist.
The Greek and Hebrew from which the translations were made?
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Translations aren't the original.
THELAND, regarding the sevens in the Bible, it's based on work by Ivan Panin. He looked at Matthew 1:1-17 which shows the supposed genealogy of Jesus and gave instances of connexions with seven.

He said for example, there are seventy-two different words but glosses over the fact that's not a multiple of seven. Would it have been that hard for Matthew to have used two fewer unique words?

He uses all seventeen verses for some of his calculations but ignores the final six for a great big chunk of them.

He says, for example, the number of letters in the women's names totals fourteen which is correct but that's only because Mary (a major character, no?)appears in the final six verses so she's not counted.

Would you not think the hidden message, if true, would have included the mother of Christ?

You don't think it's because the theory falls apart do you?

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