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Caran | 23:04 Fri 19th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Why have the links to the next postings been removed from the bottom of the page?
It's really annoying to have to keep scrolling up to the top of the page.


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Still got them here.
there's a link at the bottom of this to the previous CB thread, is that what you meant?
There's nothing above you to scroll to - you can use the link to go down.
Question Author
At the bottom of the page there used to be a link on the left hand side of the page to the next posting.
On the right hand side was a link to the previous post.
Now I have to scroll up to the top of the page to find the next link.
the one on the left is still there on my PC screen

I've got // Night Night Song From Mamya // on the left,

nothing on the right yet because you are the last post atm.
From your OP

It's really annoying to have to keep scrolling up to the top of the page.

prev Night Night Song From Mamya ♥

There is a link to my thread below yours
Question Author
Not on my page Mamya, your link is at the top under my post.
There are no links at the bottom.

Still got a link to Mamyas thread on the Left Caran.
Go down a bit further
Question Author
Amazing Mamya, your link has reappeared!
Wow :-)
Question Author
I spoke too soon. It has gone again!
What are you viewing on?

Can you use arrow keys instead of scrolling?
Question Author
Using my iPad.
Both links have reappeared again!

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