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Wassily Kandinsky

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Teaandquizzes | 15:56 Sat 13th Apr 2019 | Arts & Literature
80 Answers
Does Wassily Kandinsky's 'Blue segment' go by another name? TIA


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It is an excellent site, JimF.
I get most of my quizzes from there.
Oddboddy is right to be very annoyed. The OP obviously bought this quiz knowing that it was no asking on the Net. People should abide by the rules of the setter.
If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. Don't ruin the quiz for others.
I have joined the site this morning. The page was is wider than my screen shows and I had to scroll sideways. I've found the register and log-in area now. Thanks for help with that.
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ODDBODDY has said on her site she narrowed the questioner down to five and now knows who it is.

Since she has said previously said she would treble sales if she advertised her quizzes on here but doesn't because of her
"no asking for answers " I am wondering why
Posted too early- I am wondering why she would not rather raise more money.
Integrity? True quizzers prefer 'no asking' and appreciate such sites.
I agree, xenoblast.
No fun or satisfaction just to be told the answers.
If a quiz is being set to raise money for a particular purpose, should the business model not be such that it raises as much money as possible for that purpose?
The model should be what the setter decides it is.
In answer to THECORBYLOON's question it's because I feel that being against people asking it would be hypocritical to then advertise my quizzes on an asking site and I raise money to give to charity and good causes so anything I can give them is still extra money for them that they wouldn't have had without the quiz if that makes sense. I enjoy setting quizzes and it helps a good cause but I don't feel any need to go against my views just to be some mega big fund raiser. I'm happy just to poddle along doing what I can. I don't challenge askers on here I set up my own no asking site so I wasn't using this one and seeing answers to quizzes but I feel it is up to the individual setter to allow asking or not and if they are happy to have a quiz that has probably taken ages to set ruined as many quizzes are to raise more money then that is up to them and nothing to do with me. Everyone is entitled to set the rules to their own quiz how they want. All I want is for people on here to respect my views as I respect theirs. If someone specifically asks for their quiz not to be asked then it is common courtesy not to ask it and most people on here are extremely good where my quizzes are concerned and I am very grateful for that. I set my quizzes as a challenging puzzle for people who enjoy the fact they can do them without them being asked. If people want to do a quiz by asking that's fine but there are dozens that allow just that so surely it would make sense for them to buy one of those. I have narrowed it down further now and know who the asker is so I am hoping they will get in touch and offer some sort of explanation as to why they asked my quiz knowing it was no asking and in fact asked quite soon after purchasing it, it doesn't end soon so there was no need to give up on it so soon.
I totally get the integrity thing, which is why I never go to pub quizzes any more - what's the point in trying to compete with another team which is blatantly cheating by Googling the answers?
I also fully support and undertand oddboddy's view - as I've mentioned on similar threads before I see this as no different to hiding a phone in a pub quiz. I don't get why some users have to be so upsucky about the AB Site Rules, this was nothing to do with AB rules, it was about the original poster doing something they shouldn't.
It would be good to think this OP would make contact with Oddboddy, she is a firm but fair setter.
I too prefer to wait for answers to questions I don't know to come to me in a dream rather than ask someone who might be able to help.

You know it makes sense.
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I take it by keep saying 'asking' that you mean quizzers are getting the answers from other people? How on earth do you know when you are marking your quizzes that some of the people haven't googled or asked their friends .
Mostly, no asking quizzes have words at the top similar to...

"No asking on internet Q&A sites"

Words vary but the meaning is the same.
If the quiz sheet requests no answers from websites then the entrant should not be posting requests for answers.
If TEA had received an answer here and then another person found that hit through Google, would that other person be wrong to use it?
yes offocurse

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