Hiya. My O.H. and I (ages 68 and 73) have had a 'bug' for about 10 days now and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. There's a really bad cough, aching limbs loss of appetite and a headache. My O.H. can't take OTC meds (apart from paracetamol) as he is on several drugs for heart failure but I have taken paracetamol, which doesn't do a lot.
Is anyone else suffering with this thing? It's making us both really miserable. We both had 'flu jabs back in October but I think this may be a different strain or some other 'lurgy'.
Thank you
There seems to be a virus going round. I have had similar symptoms and can't seem to shake it off. It has been about 3 weeks for me, I thought it was getting better, but it really has been worse for 4 or 5 days now, mine is a cough and really blocked nose, the rubbish that i am blowing into tissues is astonishing, it seems like every 10 minutes i'm blowing my nose, and that is no exageration! I've tried nasal sprays, couch mixture, lozenges etc, but nothing seems to help. I'm 71 btw.
Sorry to say that I’ve had similar for about six weeks now. You think it’s going then start dry cough again.
Really, really tired at times with aching limbs and headache too.
You are correct it does sound like flu and the cough may go on for weeks. I would take Ibuprofen 400mgms three times a day rather than Paracetamol even though he is on drugs for heart failure.
Thank you all for your replies to my question. Since writing it I have been hospitalised. I had a ‘funny turn’ and collapsed on the floor face down, breaking my nose in the process! Hopefully I will be going home tomorrow!