Friday. Cooler outside this morning, we were warned it would be. I've got the Wee white Tornado taking up residence this morning, for a week. That's peace and quiet out the window then! Can't wait! :o} Not a lot else to do that I can think of, apart from the usual running around and a bit of shoplifting, I do wish they'd stop asking me fort money though!
GMEB time why?
The slowly rising sun
About to say goodbye,
The morning must be done.
Soon afternoon comes
But, where is the sun?
Dark clouds cover the sky.
No boaty or smow laundry to dry
no birds pester and sing
Nor shall they fly,
The weather wet
With a Spring chill,
The rains have arrived
With a mission to fulfill;
Together with the sun
Their laundry to give,
Without both,
Boaty and Smow couldn't really live.
Its bright and sunny here and I'm off for a meeting at the coast before heading in to work and back, so a bit of running around today and traffic dodging.
Good Morning all looks bright outside although not ventured outside yet. Was out and about yesterday, went to community garden and moved some turf, plan is to lay it today, gorgues little space that this client has created will post pic later or tomorrow morning.