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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:23 Fri 03rd May 2019 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Friday. Lots of cloud about but it's stopped raining. Snowflake has been for a quick round the block, she's crashed out alongside me now, fast asleep! She goes home on Sunday morning. I'm going to miss the wee lunatic! :o}
I don't think there's anything on for today,apart from the usual shoplifting.
Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning all. Fantastic night last night seeing Jimmy Carr at The Spa Centre, Leamington. Nice Indian afterwards with a very nice Chablis.

I'll be hitting the shops once they open xxx
Morning Lady CG. Are you feeling a bit better now, then?
Err ... I think so! Was I off-colour when last we spoke?
Morning CG xx
You okay, Minty ? xx
I was thinking about this thread of yours, Lady CG.
fine ta..busy busy in the garden at the moment..not much time to be on AB
I have to live with that carp every day, Tilly, but my symptoms are a bit better.

I'm hoping to achieve a greater symptomatic control with time.
Morning all had a lay in this morning
Good luck with that, Lady CG.
Morning, Tony.
Hi Tilly2

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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