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Caran | 23:09 Fri 03rd May 2019 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
What record could you listen to for hours and hours nonstop?
I could listen to Fleetwood Macs Albatross for ever.


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Any compilation of operatic arias.
eed eez a narco-corrida - drug song glorifying the cartels. El Chapo didnt like one and shot the lead singer. This lead singer - the over fed little thing - has to act out in the other videos being a drug-overlord. It is obvious he prefers milk-shakes to shooting people. A bit like Tarmy but not down his front, down his clack. cuates de sinaloa
Green Day's album American Idiot, Night Boat to Cairo by Madness or Get Better by Frank Turner

Beethoven's "Romance No.2 in F Major."
Not on a loop, but I LOVE avicci's 'Hey Brother' and enjoy listening to that every time I hear it played on the radio, never tire of it.
Caran that is my all favourite song and yes I coukd listen to it over and over again
Anything by Jackson Browne....particularly "The Pretender" album.
This is the title track....

Hi Caran, like mamya I love music, but couldn't continuously listen to the same track over & over. I have tracks I love though such as this.
Swan Lake

Ooops, wrong link - just as good though - Nutcracker

Rodger Waters.
Rachmaninov. Piano Concerto No 3.

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