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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:04 Wed 08th May 2019 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Where did my first post go? Oh well; I'll start again.

Wednesday. It's decidedly nippy outside. I had a look out the back door and quickly shut it again!
Nothing on the oracle for today, so I think I'll go and see my ex RAF mate, I haven't seen him for a while.
A wee bit of shoplifting for a dinner party on Sunday. Got the menu set, just got to get the goodies to make it.

Have a happy say everyone.


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Oh dear. Nobody hurt I hope.
Good morning all.
Good morning all. Feeling a bit croaky this morning, I hope its not the start of something.....paracetamol breakfast I think.
Question Author
Morning danny and maydup xxx I hope it's nothing serious my lovely.
Morning all....
Chilly out there - Helston Floral Day so it's guaranteed to rain - like there are always heavy clouds on Culdrose Day.....

Anybody watch the demolition job Liverpool did on nungate's mob...?
Question Author
Morning DT. Chucking down here too.

I take it that's football? Never watch it. I'm a rugby man.
it's still sunny here, for the moment....

I prefer rugby but a good game of football is ok....and the first match I ever saw live was Everton-Liverpool and being an obnoxious 12 year old I went for Liverpool, the guy who took us being a Toffee....always had a soft spot for the Reds.
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I like it DT :o}
Morning everyone. Sunny at the moment but looks as though it could turn to rain later.

Hope you are all well.
Good morning everybody
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Morning LJ xxx and paddy.
The rain has eased off can't quite see if it's stopped.
Flora Day so it's bound to be bad weather.
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We were down there once on this day when it was dry. We joined in at the request of one of conga line. Great fun!
Glad you enjoyed yourself Boaty. At least the first part of the ceremony has taken place in the dry.
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That was a long time ago. Good fun though!
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Time to make a move and go and dodge the rain.

Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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