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naomi24 | 10:56 Fri 10th May 2019 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
We rarely see spiders in our home until September/October time, but we're getting loads at the moment. I wonder why? Anyone else?


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I pick them up and chuck them out of the window.
I don't kill spiders.
But I do tickle Pixies :-)
You can shoot them, if you prefer :-) x
Gness....I don't think he does have a point. Would you let your house be overrun with ants, silverfish or mice? I wouldn't.

I could put down poison but I wouldn't be able to kill anything myself physically. Even putting ant powder downs makes me feel guilty but needs must.

I'd never kill a spider though.
Canary has zero point, no-one does it with lust for starters

'Squish' job done!
Not yet had to deal with silverfish......ants from time to time including this week.....just suck them up with the little hand vac and relocate them outside......two mice which I caught and released although one did perish in a neighbours lavender bush when it caught fire.....
Not in my nature to squish and squash......but I can see why some would do that....x
We used have alcoholic neighbours, they were hilarious, really nice but drunk, and we have adjoining leans twos, but they rarely took their bin bags out so we had rats coming into our house. We had no option but to deal with them.

Silverfish are harmless but they will eat through carpet and wallpaper. They can be dealt with with ant powder.

I find ants quite fascinating though so I really don't like killing them. They just can't live in my house.
Where do you draw the line? Fleas? Bedbugs? Snails?
I used to obliterate them into many thousand pieces. Now I put a glass over them and slide paper underneath and put them outside. I'm quite proud of my progress.

I do kill ants though. we get infested with them.
Spiders just open a window and throw them out.
You all know of course when you lovingly put them outside they come straight back in again!

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