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Telling My Mil

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Rockrose | 13:41 Sun 12th May 2019 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
This evening about my father.
Feel we have to as they live within a few miles of each other and I maybe spotted whilst I am there visiting him.
Do you think it’s reasonable to ask her not to approach any of the family?
She has a habit of acting like a professional mourner!


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Your right ducky
I agree with ducksie, most mean well, but your MIL, not so sure about.
He might be catholic, anne, though maybe not Catholic. But I'd never try to stop anyone praying just because the object of their prayers isn't a believer.
Jno, nor would I . ( I personally am a great believer in prayer/ positive thoughts ) whoever they come from .
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If it was genuine I wouldn't mind - but its not!
You agreed with Ducksie because she's right - leave MIL to her prayers (whatever her intentions are), you have more pressing matters to deal with.x
I'd have to leave that to God to decide for himself/herself, Rockrose. By all means try to discourage your MIL from turning up at the sickbed, but don't tell her who to pray for.

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