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You're G U I L T Y

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Canary42 | 11:16 Fri 24th May 2019 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
"You're guilty"

"But I'm rich .

"Oh, that's OK then"


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I guess money will keep everyone happy?

If someone molested me or my wife or mother or sister or what not.. No amount of money would cover the savageness.
He's not the first, is he? Didn't a certain Michael Jackson do something similar?
This isn't the criminal trial.
Although, generally speaking, money goes a long way in the US 'justice' system.
that's not quite how it played out. Weinstein is still accused of criminal acts and will stand his trial next month. the settlement does not dismiss the criminal case but is in lieu of civil claims.
Oh God Ken you are going to set off one of the brotherhood again!!
It's known for rich people to try and pay off cases so that they don't spend their time, reputation and credit being dragged through some legal system.
We all pay to make legal issues go away in one way or another, this is a civil case so the people concerned don't want him in prison they want some form of compensation from him. Whether or not it goes to court is irrelevant, they just want money and he's giving them some to go away.

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You're G U I L T Y

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