Quizzes & Puzzles23 mins ago
Plant Suggestions
16 Answers
I suspect the failure of the Busy Lizzie plugs triggered it, but: I have been asked what short hardy colourful plants can be planted in the pots in a front garden to hopefully bloom throughout the year (well as many warmer months as possible anyway). Without further clarity I'm assuming a maximum height of 6". I tried websearches but it ignores criteria I searched for and gives multiple unhelpful misses, so thought I'd ask you enthusiasts. Thanks.
Gazanias! Try and get the Firecracker variety. They love the sun and are hardy. Can be put in pots or the ground and will flower prodigiously if dead headed as the flowers wilt. https:// www. bing. com/ images/ search? q= gazanias& amp; qpvt= gazaneas& FORM= IGRE
08:18 Thu 09th May 2019
Gazanias! Try and get the Firecracker variety. They love the sun and are hardy. Can be put in pots or the ground and will flower prodigiously if dead headed as the flowers wilt.
https:/ /www.bi ng.com/ images/ search? q=gazan ias& ;qpvt=g azaneas &FO RM=IGRE
Begonias are another great plant to guarantee flowers right into Autumn. Virtually pest free and slugs do not munch them. There are many varieties but we always go for the ones with the larger flowers. Expensive to start with but if you lift the corms in October or early November you can put them away and replant them again next year. If you are darn sarf it is possible to leave them in the ground but prolonged heavy frost will av em. Go for the deep red, Apricot, or Yellow flowering types with the big blousy blooms. Always deliver.
https:/ /www.bi ng.com/ images/ search? q=begon ia+vari eties+i mages&a mp;qpvt =begoni a+varie ties+im ages&am p;FORM= IGRE
Bizzie Lizzies (Impatiens) prefer humus-rich, moist, and well-drained soil so maybe its wise to look for plants that require less water. As previously suggested Lavender is good, but not all lavenders are hardy, however Ganzias are little troopers that will give you an abundant show of jolly flowers well into October and don't mind a bit of neglect.
Gazania will be ideal. They are short, colourful, flower well, and drought resistant. Here's some tips and info on Gazanias.
https:/ /www.ga rdening knowhow .com/or namenta l/flowe rs/gaza nia/gaz ania-tr easure- flowers .htm
Update: she still hasn't purchased anything. We did look for the Firecracker Gazanias but they seemed to be coming from the same place. Jersey Plants Direct, and Gardening Direct seem to be the same if one compares websites, and I suspect Saga of just being a reseller. Tried to order but their system wouldn't allow it. It found her address, but didn't fill anything in the 'town' box, wouldn't allow a hand edit, and would not send to an address without the compulsory 'town' box. Extremely frustrating. I did complain but all the reply e-mail seemed interested in was getting us to call. No promise of fixing the garbage system, no offer to take the order by reply. Decided this wasn't the sort of company we wanted to deal with when they can't even get their system running and have no indication they take it seriously.
I believe she said she'd tried begonias in the past, but can't recall why they weren't being tried again. So the search presently goes on.
I believe she said she'd tried begonias in the past, but can't recall why they weren't being tried again. So the search presently goes on.