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Off To Plymouth Today............

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10ClarionSt | 03:30 Fri 07th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
....which is why I'm up so early. We commemorate the loss of HM Ships Glorious, Ardent and Acasta on June 8th 1940. This year, we have a new memorial plaque which has just been placed located in Belvedere Gardens, just below Plymouth Ho, to the right of the lighthouse, and we will unveil it on Saturday June 8th 2019. It's an appropriate place, as there are several other memorials there.


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Have a safe and hopefully momentous yet poignant trip, 10CS.

Lest We Forget.
Quite a story Clarion......have a good time.
Lovely place to have it.
I used to live in the Hoe area.
Well done to you, hope it all goes well.

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Off To Plymouth Today............

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