Morning - Morning - not a good start.
My phone ran out last night so I banged it on the charger and waited for it to come up and promptly fell asleep that 'knackered' that I was . Woke up and had to go downstairs to close up, including locking the front door. Can I find the front door keys this morning? Nope.....have been using the backdoor one - car keys I have...... Am suspecting I had them wrapped up in my towels which are now in the washing machine.
Visitors today include the metal detecting crew to cover the land before the house is sold never knows, the answer probably without but the fields are mediaeval and there has been a house/other houses here before this one (this one built in 1739-59 from the church records).
Otherwise, the exercise is moving all these bags to the top of the drive - 25 done already this morning and over 2000 steps on the pedometer.....