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Canary42 | 11:32 Fri 07th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Today is the 70th anniversary of Nineteen Eighty-Four !



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I don't think it is creeping in slowly. I think it's galloping in - albeit pretty much unnoticed by most.
11:37 Fri 07th Jun 2019
He probably didn't realise how slowly the dystopian society would take to sneak in.
I don't think it is creeping in slowly. I think it's galloping in - albeit pretty much unnoticed by most.
Only the “special ones” can see the lizards :-)
Yes,perhaps we should have a long pause for thought as to how the world is turning :-(
It's already 34 years behind schedule. Has to be that slow so that many refuse to notice, or acknowledge if they do realise, and more convince themselves it's a good thing.
At this rate they should rename AB as Room 101.
Well we're seeing the thought police coming into full force. Orwell would be turning in his grave.

"I tried. I tried to warn them."
//Only the “special ones” can see the lizards//

Y(Ickes)! ;-)
I bought my niece a 70th Birthday card last week,she wasn't impressed.
ichkeria, no lizards in '1984' - nor even in 'Animal Farm'.
I once read, somewhere, that the author wanted to entitle his book 'Nineteen Forty Eight', but the publisher thought that title was a bit too close for comfort, so the title was changed to '1984'. Would the book have been forgotten by now, if the title of 'Nineteen Forty Eight' had won the day?
//Would the book have been forgotten by now, if the title of 'Nineteen Forty Eight' had won the day? //

Doubt it - at least not by those who have actually read it.
It reminds me how annoyed I am by the TV show Room 101.

I like watching it for the whip-sharp humour of Frank Skinner, but the notion that Room 101 is where you 'banish' things you don't like is a nonsense.
^You haven't read the book.
naomi - // ^You haven't read the book. //

If that is aimed at me, how do you know if I have, or have not read the book?
now the British are only too happy to be Airstrip One and to have surveillance cameras every few feet along the street. He perhaps underestimated just how quickly everyone would acquiesce in it
Celebrations seem to have been in full flow at AB Towers today.

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