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Homeless Necessities

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jennyjoan | 06:43 Tue 18th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I have been giving for a few months then stopped like for no reason.

But one thing did catch my eye that when I looked into the store it was groaning with tins of stuff. Do they use all this stuff.

I know they like to get bottled water so I'll get that, but what important things I should get.

Last time I did get beans, baby wipes and others.

As I say what would be the most important necessity on the street. This would be a question for Nailit.


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Buying a bottle of water then gives them a bottle they can re-use for tap water. Some of our guys do that, some have drinks bottles or thermoses.
I didnt finish....
As for what's needed, always ask the charity. At the moment, we'd say "no" to almost all personal care items, as we are buried in a mountain of it. On the other hand, clothing for skinny young people is in short supply.
And for our kitchen...sugar, squash,cleaning products...and numerous other things.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were no need for food banks ?when did they start? are they really necessary?
I never thought that I would see foodbanks in my beloved Scotland,what did they do in the past? go without.
^ Yes, ask ! The needs can and do vary day by day !! As said,Bottled water is always welcome !
Thanks for the video, Nails. I enjoyed watching that.
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got a bargain in the bottled water - 24 bottles for £2.40 - that makes it a penny a bottle.
10p per bottle.
Still very good at 10p pet bottle :-)
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oh right LOL - not great at the maths but still 10p is good
Question Author
when I divide £2.40 by 24 on the calculator I'm getting 0.1 so that must be 10p
It is, JJ.
//Thanks for the video, Nails. I enjoyed watching that//
I aim to please Tills ;-)

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