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Why Would Anyone.................

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10ClarionSt | 07:57 Sat 29th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
111 Answers
................want to be a moderator on this, or any other, website? It's the height of self-important arrogance isnt it? Like applying to be a magistrate. A, Mrs. Bouquet thing. As the old saying goes; who sensors the sensor?


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AH, it infers nothing of the sort. I’ve given my opinion based on my experience. If you want another row with someone look elsewhere.
implies guys......implies!
Naomi - // AH, it infers nothing of the sort. I’ve given my opinion based on my experience. //

But that's just it, you don't offer it as an opinion, you state it as though it is a fact - anyone reading can almost see you tapping the side of your nose and winking about your 'inside knowledge'.

It has to be your opinion - because it is obviously not a fact - maybe you should make sure everyone knows the difference.

// If you want another row with someone look elsewhere. //

I never 'want' a row with anyone, and yours tend to finish up with an 'Oh dear ...' or variations thereof anyway.
Oh dear....

Love you xx
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Andy Hughes '@ 17.19 on Sat.

You advise that I contact Ed. I have sent 2 emails but had no reply.

In "Editors' Blog" t'other day, a user was advised by Ed, to send an email to the team, rather than put the issue on the website. That user had also previously emailed Ed. (so he said) without reply. I intend to send another email. I am not letting this go till I get a reply from AB Editor.
Spare Ed replied to me in a timely manner when I had some issues on the site, why not try again Clarion? Three time's the charm you know :)
Question Author
Thank you, CG. I will send another email but I'm waiting till Monday. When this thread will probably be deleted.
10C - // Andy Hughes '@ 17.19 on Sat.

You advise that I contact Ed. I have sent 2 emails but had no reply. //

I have no control over whom the Ed does or does not correspond with - but I do know that the site is not the place to complain using a thread - it's not what the site is for.

I have said before, regardless of your opinions of what you post, and the motives you have for posting, if you contravene Site Rules your posts and / or threads will be deleted, it's that simple.

You say your posts are not offensive or provocative - their absence clearly indicates otherwise.

Everyone else seems to manage to rub along without deciding they are singled out for special treatment - why not try it?
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Thanks for the reply, Andy. Don't patronise me, eh?
Another email is on it's way to Ed. For sure.
Users claim to send us emails, and then proceed to tell other members that we have intentionally not replied to them. This is not true, we respond to all emails, regardless of who the user is and we do not have any form of selection process in terms of responding to users. Unfortunately, this happens all too frequently.

If you are not receiving a response, check that the email address you are contacting us with is the email address associated to your AnswerBank account. You should also make sure that you are sending your query to this address: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can use the contact form on the website. Please do not assume that we are intentionally ignoring you because that is not the case.

It is rather rude for members to suggest that they have emailed us and that we are ignoring them, when in fact we have not received any query.

Regarding moderators, if a question or answer is removed, we are able to instantly see which moderator took action. Therefore, if moderators were acting in a way which did not benefit The AnswerBank, their privileges would be removed. It is that simple.

This thread is now closed.

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