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That's like me, Tony! Even when I've seen all the right answers, I still struggle to score 7 ;-)
Welcome to The Club of Four, Susan! All the best people are in it ;-)
I hope that you can make sense of your blood sugar restrictions. I struggle to make sense of low-potassium diet I'm supposed to be sticking to. I'm not allowed fruit juice (which I thought was meant to be good for me), I'm restricted in the amount of fruit I can eat (even though that's meant to be good for me too), I have to linit the veg and salad I eat (again, counter-intuitive) and so on. (Tea is OK but coffee isn't. Spirits and fizzy frinks are allowed but beer and wine isn't. Etc, etc. It's driving me up the wall!)
I hope that Frankie will let you get some sleep soon ;-)