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Drayton Digistat.

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Bigbad | 09:52 Sat 20th Jul 2019 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Can anyone tell me what this is for? I know it's something to do with the boiler (oil) but can't find out why it's needed. It's next to a Honeywell heating/hot water control.


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There are several different combinations, Biggy. Often, boiler control and room temperature control are combined in one unit.

I guess, in your case, the boiler control tells the boiler when to come on and off via set times of day. The digistat simply responds to the temperature/comfort level that you set to your liking.
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Thanks, although I’m not sure I really understand.
Maybe I’ll suss it out when I go and live there.
Want to replace the radiators first. They’ve all been painted the same colour as the rooms.
One is a very dark purple. Yuk!

I just typed 'drayton digistat' into Google and, among other results, it came up with several videos (for different models), which look as if they might explain things.

Worth a try, perhaps?
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Thanks Buenchico.
A video - why didn’t I think of that?
The one I watched was for the same model number (it showed how to instal) and it looks like there should be a thermostat mounted elsewhere.
The house is completely empty, so I would have thought it would be obvious, but I’ve not spotted it so maybe it’s in a cupboard.
I’ll have a proper look next time I go there.

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