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Cold Sheet

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Islander | 21:25 Wed 24th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I had room in the freezer for one bed sheet , now my question is , would I benefit more from lying on it, or draping it over me ? According to some guest on a radio show earlier, it is a good way to get some sleep in this heat !!


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See, everything comes back to brexit. :-)
21:56 Wed 24th Jul 2019
Wrap it around you ?
Alternatively it's probably cooler and drier to not have a sheet on top.
Jeremy Vine covered the subject of getting to sleep in extremely warm conditions (either yesterday or today) and one of the best suggestions i heard was to place a DRY towel in the freezer until bedtime. Then, place it inside your pillowcase. Works a treat, according to the woman who suggested it.
But how long does it last before you heat it up ?
I'd stick with covering a freezer block to avoid direct contact, and using that.
As I mentioned yesterday, there really is only one way to cool a room down and that is with an air conditioning unit with an extractor hose you can hang out the window. They may be a bit pricey, but work 100%.

Putting stuff in the freezer might work for 30 minutes or so until it defrosts.
Or Jim you stay up till you are really tired?
30 minutes should be long enough to get you off to sleep - which is the primary objection.
I actually went out and bought a 12" electric fan, today, at Tesco. Should have been £16 but down to £12. It's kept me cool all evening so i just hope it helps me get off to sleep. If the breeze from the fan doesn't, the drone of the motor might :-)
Fans can help so long as they have cold air to blow about. Otherwise, they're just blowing hot air about.
See, everything comes back to brexit. :-)
... and they can blow pollen and dust about.

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