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Where Has Our Summer Gone?

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10ClarionSt | 23:11 Thu 25th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
This question was being asked by the BBC only three weeks ago.
People are crazy in this country.


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They are weather obsessed.
According to your link, it was was being asked 12 years ago.
Three weeks ago???

More like 12 years ago!

(Check the date on that page!)
Question Author
Sorry folks. I was just testing to see if anyone was awake! Yeah, right! Actually, there was a report on the BBC for exactly that in the middle of June this year. My sentiments are still the same! I'll have another look for the link. ;o)
Our summer is still dripping down my brow and back at 2324hours with a ceiling fan at full pelt. It's not gone anywhere yet ! :-)

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Where Has Our Summer Gone?

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