Does anyone have any idea, please, what their selections are, price-wise, for broadband and phone only?
Their web-site isn't particularly helpful and would just like an idea before we phone them to downgrade what we're forking out for at the moment.
Many thanks x
(we're paying too much, if anyone needs to know, it's over £40 a month)
It doesn't look as if you could save anything with Virgin Media. Their cheapest 'fibre and phone' package currently costs £44 per month (after paying £28 per month for the first 12 months):
aha, thanks Jim, I saw that a week or so ago, but couldn't find it to show himself - page on website kept interrupting about the price increase which irked me :-)
Yes, but also be prepared for them to call your bluff! In virtually everywhere, Virgin is the only cable supplier so it's them or broadband through your phone line. Which is horrible.
must admit, I like the speed of our broadband, so it's obviously not going to be as good on a lower tariff. Bite the bullet I reckon.
Our box is across the road from us, I shudder every time a wee Virgin comes along and opens it up as that means our connection is going on holiday for a short while.