A week or so ago I mentioned, on another thread, that the answer to our weather patterns is quite easy to spot. Look at the sky. Look beyond our Earth atmosphere and a bit further...….the Moon. Have you noticed anything about where it is? Since the beginning of the year the Moon has been, unusually, rising and setting in the Northern hemisphere. Think about it. Where do you normally get sight of the Moon. I bet that most of you are looking South. It has not been in your Southern vistas now for some months and will no be for a few more. We have had a long period, an anomaly of our planetary course, whereby the Moon has been rising and setting in the Northern skies, barely crossing the equinox, for some months. The ancients knew this and recorded it, we have been encouraged to forget the phenomena, better able to be taxed and punished, by the professional interferers who are ever ready to seize an opportunity to enrich themselves using the glow bull warning scheme.