I've managed to transfer all of my apps from S6 to S10 using Smart Switch. I backed up my Whatsapp but although all my contacts and groups are now on my new phone I have been unable to retrieve all the existing chats. When you backup does this save chat history or are these now lost?
I usually delete chat history but there were a couple of chats that I would've like to have kept.
Can't give a full answer but once, when I was troubleshooting, I found the chats were in a file on the old phone so I copied the file and used it to replace the file with the same name on the new phone.
I think if you do a websearch maybe someone will describe step by step instructions, hopefully ?
i have uninstalled whatapp, then installed it on another phone, when i did it asked for my number etc, then confirmation via call or text, then it asked me if i wanted to put old chats and contacts back.
I have now uninstalled it from my S6. Should I uninstall from my S10 and reinstall? Will everything be stored on my number if uninstalled from my old phone?
I've tried everything and nothing seems to work so i've given up. As long as my contacts and chat groups have been transfered I'll just have to accept the fact that they've gone for good now.