ChatterBank0 min ago
Nothing Before The Bing Bang
The big bang was the start of everything , so we have been told
Except for dark matter
https:/ /news-s ky-com. cdn.amp project .org/v/ s/news. /story/ amp/dar k-matte r-could -predat e-the-b ig-bang -study- suggest s-11779 892?amp _js_v=a 2&a mp_gsa= 1#refer rer=htt ps%3A%2 F%2Fwww .google .com&am p;amp_t f=From% 20%251% 24s& ;ampsha re=http s%3A%2F %2Fnews m%2Fsto ry%2Fda rk-matt er-coul d-preda te-the- big-ban g-study -sugges ts-1177 9892
Except for dark matter
Jim, I have every respect for you- don't get me wrong. I am very very open-minded- often to a fault, but i also need truth (my family believe the autism and need for accuracy in our children comes from me). So, when I see your views, particularly about transgender which as you say, is irrelevant here- it also makes me doubt your other posts.
And although I don't often post on them, I often read science posts, purely because I like to learn new things x
And although I don't often post on them, I often read science posts, purely because I like to learn new things x
I'll do my best to ensure you keep learning in Science. Outside AB, I have a somewhat more positive reputation for being able to explain things clearly but also, more importantly, correctly. So hopefully you'll see that side more.
The only thing I can add is that thinking in the right way doesn't always lead to the right conclusions. So if we disagree on a topic, which is often, then it doesn't necessarily follow that my reasoning was poorly motivated or tainted by personal preference -- certainly no more than anybody else's. Also some topics are just far too open to subjectivity anyway. It would be unfair, I think, to anyone to hold their politics against their science.
The only thing I can add is that thinking in the right way doesn't always lead to the right conclusions. So if we disagree on a topic, which is often, then it doesn't necessarily follow that my reasoning was poorly motivated or tainted by personal preference -- certainly no more than anybody else's. Also some topics are just far too open to subjectivity anyway. It would be unfair, I think, to anyone to hold their politics against their science.
Jim, I would always have said you would make an excellent teacher, partly because of your ability to explain things well and partly just due to your patience and responsiveness (which I can still see). Tbh, I think it was the transgender views that stopped me seeing you as a scientist and more as confused. Although I also appreciate you may not care whatsoever xx
Scientists, operating solely within the bounds of materialism, have no clue as to how the universe came into being, or how life began.
Reluctant to admit these massive gaps in their knowledge, they ad lib with numerous possibilities, probabilities, and straw grasping.
The same can be said of evolution. They believe it because their contemporaries believe it and so it is a self perpetuating comedy of errors, and woe betide the scientist who strays from their orthodoxy.
Reluctant to admit these massive gaps in their knowledge, they ad lib with numerous possibilities, probabilities, and straw grasping.
The same can be said of evolution. They believe it because their contemporaries believe it and so it is a self perpetuating comedy of errors, and woe betide the scientist who strays from their orthodoxy.
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