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Food For Thought. Hamilton Tennis Club. (Anagrams, Cryptics...)

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barnacle41 | 19:06 Sun 11th Aug 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
21. Broken spirit, (6,4)
23. Smiling beauty. (10)
27. Not the high street shop.(5)
44. First you slip then you get stuck on this pie.(7,3)
58. Equine feet(4,7)

Many thanks.


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2 mango ?
44 sounds like it should be banoffee pie but that's 8 & 3.
58 hors d'oeuvre
21 brandy snap
23 cheese.... something
23 Cheesecake Mally
I was thinking that but couldn't fit it with beauty x
images portraying women in a manner which emphasizes idealized or stereotypical sexual attractiveness.
"a cheesecake photo of herself wearing a silly hat and little else"
Why cake?
you live and learn ,thankyou xx
OK got it.
27 Cabin?

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Food For Thought. Hamilton Tennis Club. (Anagrams, Cryptics...)

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