The Week Crossword 1171 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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The Week Crossword 1171

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gillie3431 | 14:04 Fri 16th Aug 2019 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Colour of a gilet disheartened lady. ?A?I [ 4 letters. ]
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Where does the I come from?
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Thanks for reply. The 'i' is fourth letter of musical.
What's the clue giving you musical?
Seen as blue, but can't parse. (Crossword Solver)
Found the puzzle, a quick look shows Calibax is right with 'Ja(u)ne' & the clue for 11a (the crossing "I") is -

Boss for certain ruffled when mobile very loud goes off (7,8)

Funeral director - anag 'for certain ru(ff)led' ('ff'; very loud, off)

I have access through my library membership, so am unsure if the link will will be "open" to all, but it's here -

Sorry, apparently where there's an extra "will", it'll find it's way... :-)
Same goes for spurious 's - is it bedtime?

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The Week Crossword 1171

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