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Happy Birthday Jourdain2

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murraymints | 06:51 Tue 20th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

many happies dearest friend xx


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happy birthday ,have a good day x
Happy birthday, Jourdain. I hope life is being kind xx
Happy Birthday Jourdain.Have a great day.
Happy Birthday Jordain ! xx
Happy Birthday Jourdain x
Joyeaux anniversaire mon cher. xxxx
Happy Birthday xxx
Happy Birthday, Jourdain! :-)

Thank you all so very much - it's lovely to be back with all you dear people. It's a big birthday (got a 0 on it!!) so we had a party at the local pub on Saturday...….. lovely to see family and friends together and I wish I could have invited you all. :) XXXXX
Happy birthday Jourdain, hope it is a lovely day for you.
Happy Birthday - I hope that the year ahead is a bit easier for you x
Best wishes and cake to you.
Happy birthday Jourdain. Hope its been a good one.
Happy birthday Joudain, hope it was a good one.
Happy Birthday, Jourdain.
Hope you've had a great day and are still enjoying it xx
Belated Happy Birthday Jourdain, hope you had a great day x
It's been a lovely day - I so appreciate all the good wishes. Did nothing very special (still getting over party on Sat.!) but peaceful and very happy. Hoping for an easier year, but I know that bits are going to be tough and having you on board will help so very much. XXX

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Happy Birthday Jourdain2

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