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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:56 Sat 31st Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Saturday. It's looking OK outside, so should be a pleasent trip to the Farmers Market. The car might find it's way to The George in Frocester on the way back, but I'll be back in time for the Wales v Ireland rugby at 1400. That's today sorted!

Have a good one everyone.


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Morning DT. You'll be glad when all that's done!
Has Johnny gone haggis-hunting yet, a traditional sport that minty is well versed in.
It's mainly maintenance from now on - until completion whenever that is set for.
DTC I might be wrong but I thought completion date was set once you had exchanged contracts?
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I'm going to make a move and get over to the market.

Have a happy day everyone.
memorandum of sale first (just done), structural survey this coming week, final price offer, then deposit, land search/covenants etc and eventually the completion date yet to be set.....maintenance from now up to that date.
Morning all, sunny for us just now butvrain is forecast later this morning, off to our local with friends this afternoon
Before you know it Dt you'll be a Jeff Chandler lookalike ;-/
bye boaty, have a good one.

the cost of life, ozzy.

Morning Bobbi xx - and there goes the weekend....
Worzel not Wozel.....duh
OK DTC thought you had exchanged contracts, from exchange to completion can happen within a week if solicitors get thier fingers out.
time for me to be moving as well.....have a good one, all.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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