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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:00 Thu 05th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Thursday. Some stars out to play, so could be a nice day. Nothing on the calendar until Saturday, so could be a day out somewhere, weather permitting of course!

Have a happy day everyone.



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pretty dull down here, the forecast is not too bad, better this afternoon.
Arh here the GM thread, a very good morning everyone, I'm feeling quite chipper with myself this sunny Autumn morning :0)
Good morning everybody.
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Morning bobbi. xxx Regards passed to minty.

Morning paddy.
Thanks you Boaty x
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You're welcome.
morning Bobbi xx just off and away here as there's a little shoplifting to be done chez the Leeds grocers', have a good one, y'all.
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Have a good'un DT. I must shove off and annoy some shopkeepers too.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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