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If There Is A General Election

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Bigbad | 07:57 Thu 05th Sep 2019 | News
24 Answers
What happens to the DUP?
Does their agreement with the Conservative party automatically end?


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Correlation doesn't imply causation. Other circumstances changed. For example, Corbyn has found himself with a de facto majority, what with one Tory defecting to the Lib Dems and 21 further Tories being deselected. That gives him the power to agree to the general election at a time of his choosing, rather than Johnson's.

So, we have two hypotheses here:

1. Corbyn ran chicken because of something Tony Blair, who is if anything regarded as a worse enemy to Labour than the Tories are amongst Corbyn's wing of the Party, said on Friday about how Corbyn was going to lose.

2. Corbyn decided that he may as well milk his moment of de facto power for a while, so as to frustrate Johnson in particular on the question of the October 31st date, before agreeing to an election on his terms.

My money's on the 2nd one.
Conservative and Unionist
Bill and Ben

Meet Bill
Meet Ben
They are linked but different.
Anyway, there big tensions between this Bill and Ben as my tale of Sylvia Herman shows. As also do recent opinion polls of Tory members apparently prizing Brexit over the Union.
The Conservative and Unionist Party.
In a recent poll of members, 63% said they would favour Scotland and NI leaving the United Kingdom, if it meant Brexit happened.
Sinn Fein have indicated that they’d be willing to cooperate with other pro-Remain parties in N Ireland in the event of an election.
They’ve not ruled out an electoral pact. That could be bad news for the DUP if it comes off.

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If There Is A General Election

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