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State Pension Day Today...

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Tilly2 | 15:01 Fri 06th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I have just bought myself a super duper mop and bucket!

I do like to treat myself on pension day.


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Very similar Chris but a slightly different colour.
I get mine next week....pension not turbo mop
Question Author
What are you going to spoil yourself with, Woofgang?
maybe one of those things for brushing the fuzzy balls off jumpers
Question Author
Nah, they don't work. Buy yourself a new jumper.
Wow Tills it was my state pension day today as well(really) so I splashed out on a big tube of Preparation H (with convenient hygienic applicator) just in case. (^_*)
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Each to their own, Togo. :-)
Well I couldn't see how a mop and bucket was going to be of any help there Tills should the need arise. :))
I`ll be 67 before I get one of those
I bought this last month....absolutely brilliant User Recommendation
//16.15 , always thought you were a Pensioner Spice Crack , reading some , or most of your posts.//

There you go gulliver. Poor old Spicerack has to keep working. He obviously thought of you when he saw the Bumper sticker, "Keep working harder. There are thousands on benefits relying on you".
h hard
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Oh, I might get one of those next month, Woofgang. That's got to be better than getting the stepladders out each time I want something from the cupboard above the cookers. Thank you.
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Retro, on the other hand, Spicey has his youth.
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In two weeks time, it will be occupational pension day. Now, that's a different kettle of fish.

A night on the town, perhaps?
Tilly2//Retro, on the other hand, Spicey has his youth.//

Hey now, I told you that in confidence, Tilly.
Quite envious of that little stool, I have been browsing extendable feather dusters as a treat though.
Question Author
Sorry about that, Spicey. I forgot. It must be my age.

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